Fairy Dusted Blog

Survivor of Psychological Poison cptsd healing emotional recovery inner child healing no contact family boundaries self healing journey Nov 19, 2024

Today’s Fairy Dusted Lesson:

Here are some things I cannot stop thinking about:

1.  This Marion Woodman quote:

“It is easier to be better than you are than to be who you are.”  

It really cements the fact for me that the entire goal of this whole healing and striving enterprise of mine was to be...

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Cassandra's Revenge Nov 06, 2024

Today’s Fairy Dusted Lesson:

To understand Cassandra’s Revenge, you must understand the Cassandra Complex.  Apollo, the god of prophecy fell in love with Cassandra and gave her the gift of prophecy.  When she rejected him and his desires, he couldn’t take away his gift, but he cursed her to punish ...

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Advanced Bitches of the Rings advanced bitches cptsd healing emotional healing emotional resilience healing through intuition healing through self-awareness inner healing journey letting go of control personal growth process addictions repetition compulsion self-discovery spiritual healing trauma recovery trust in self unplanned path Oct 21, 2024

Today’s Fairy Dusted Lesson:

What if, and just hear me out for a second, you fully trusted and believed your innermost self and decided to live it?

I am on a Quest, an inner pilgrimage of sorts.  I have no idea where it is taking me.  I have let go of the reins.  The only certainty is that I’ve b...

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Two wings coaching questions cptsd embracing change embracing new beginnings emotional healing emotional resilience empowerment family dynamics finding balance healing journey internal family systems letting go mental health mindset shift overcoming trauma personal growth personal transformation psychological well-being self-acceptance self-discovery self-improvement simplifying life surviving vs thriving thriving in life toxic relationships Oct 07, 2024

Today’s Fairy Dusted Lesson:

I was having a conversation about surviving versus thriving and I was talking about some of the things I wanted to accomplish before the end of the year. My friend commented that it was like you’ve been flying with one wing all along and now it’s time to fly with two.

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Judgmental Recovery advanced personal growth techniques for cptsd advanced personal growth work healing from trauma imposter syndrome guide overcoming imposter syndrome trauma healing and self-growth Oct 01, 2024

Hello, hello, hello…good to see you!

Look! A Testimonial for my Irreverent Imposter Syndrome Guide:

This class was so good and so helpful and so real I didn’t want it to end! So I watched it all a second time :)  If you struggle with showing up as yourself, Elizabeth’s magic, stories and words of ...

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A Hard Truth About Codependency codependency codependent complex cptsd fawn fawn trauma response people pleasers Sep 17, 2024

 Sick of feeling like an imposter or a fraud?  Yet, notice how you don’t quit showing up to your job or class where you feel like an imposter.  You’re a good person with impeccable integrity, so why would you stay somewhere where you believe that you’re a fake?  That’s because there is a bigger part...

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The One Thing That CPTSD Kids Can Always Count On ask the advanced bitch cptsd cptsd and life purpose fawn response the advanced bitch the cycle of abuse Sep 11, 2024

Did you know I have a YouTube Channel that is the new home of Ask an Advanced Bitch?  Last week I answered a question about repetitive dreams (click here) and this week I’ll answer a question about two different levels of messiness in one household.  If you have a question for me, simply reply to th...

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When We're Fused with a Negative Thought Sep 03, 2024

Today I was asked to present the Ladder of Trust to a group of business owners and coaches.  It was fun to teach it to newbies and it reminded me of how good the tool is.  They loved it!  If you haven’t read my book yet (the coach who asked me to teach to her membership said it changed her life afte...

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The Cage Is Not of Our Own Making brain mohawk trauma study emotional recovery healing from trauma healing journey ptsd healing trauma and self-awareness trauma recovery trauma survivors trauma therapy van der kolk trauma insights Aug 19, 2024

Today’s Fairy Dusted Lesson:

It makes sense that trauma survivors would not know what they want.  For so many years, we just wanted to not feel so miserable all of the time – and usually blame ourselves for that misery.  All we wanted was to survive.  

Guess what?! We got what we wanted!  We survi...

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Joy, Healing and Meaning from Goal Setting complex trauma and imposter syndrome emotional flashbacks fawn trauma response imposter syndrome imposter syndrome in women misogyny and imposter syndrome self-knowledge and healing setting personal goals Aug 12, 2024

The Irreverent Imposter Syndrome Guide deconstructs Imposter Syndrome so you can be yourself and not an imposter anymore.  One side effect of less imposter syndrome is More You!  The Modules:

  1. Imposter Syndrome is a Part of You (Not all of you!)
  2. Imposter Syndrome is a Complex/Emotional Flashback
  3. ...
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Your Life Purpose Finds You advanced personal growth techniques for cptsd cptsd healing imposter syndrome tools for trauma healing Aug 06, 2024

The Irreverent Imposter Syndrome Guide deconstructs Imposter Syndrome so you can be yourself and not an imposter anymore.  One side effect of less imposter syndrome is More You!!!!  The Modules:

  1. Imposter Syndrome is a Part of You (Not all of you!)
  2. Imposter Syndrome is a Complex/Emotional Flashba
  3. ...
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