Fairy Dusted Blog

Understanding Psychological Fields & Van Der Kolk's 'The Watchtower' cptsd psychological field study and trauma the watchtower in trauma recovery van der kolk's the body keeps the score insights May 06, 2024

Hello, hello, hello...good to see you.

This is a clip from the last class I taught. I was asked a question about a Field Study and I used a soccer field as a metaphor for the psychological field. Below is the explanation I taught and what Van Der Kolk means when he talks about "The Watchtower" in...

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Closure is Not a Thing advanced personal growth techniques for cptsd overcoming the need for closure in trauma healing understanding closure in cptsd and ptsd recovery Apr 30, 2024

Hello, hello, hello…good to see you!

Magical Lesson:

My next few lessons will be on the ever elusive “closure” we’re looking for.

The first thing to know about closure is seeking it outside of yourself is not a thing. Here are some things that people use the word closure...

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Don't Follow Your Dreams cptsd repetition compulsion Apr 23, 2024

Hello, hello, hello....good to see you!

Join us this Saturday for the Trauma Book Book Club where we'll be talking about how part of the brain that's the alarm system for our brain and a few tools that can help us remind ourselves that we're safe.

Recently, a friend made a big leap in following...

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Being the Bigger Person is Toxic Behavior Apr 02, 2024

Hello, hello, hello…good to see you!

Magical Lesson:

It’s time to finally be free from having to be “the Bigger Person.” How Advanced Bitches do that is to really get the magnifying glass out and fully deconstruct what it means to be “the bigger person.”


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Unveiling the Snowman Brain emotional brain the body keeps the score Mar 26, 2024

Hello, hello, hello…good to see you!

Magical Lesson:

Here's a clip from the last class about why as an Advanced Bitch, we must work hard to not give into shame and negative self-talk.

The figure I'm holding up is an expertly rendered picture of the brain. It helps me to understand the...

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Healing Requires Action complex ptsd healing Mar 19, 2024

Hello, hello, hello…good to see you!

Magical Lesson:

Many years ago, I was waiting for a 12-step recovery meeting to start and I was struggling with relapse. I was feeling defeated and wanted to “start again on Monday.” BTW - The addiction is never interested in you starting...

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Sabaticalish addiction advanced bitches complex ptsd conscious living consciously ptsd recovery May 17, 2022

You may have noticed that I am not as active on social media as I used to be – especially on Instagram.  I know some of you worry about me being sick or falling into the depths of despair, so I felt it was important to let you to know what tf is up.  I didn’t want any of you...

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The Highly Sensitive Bitch cptsd the highly sensitive person the highly sensitive person: how to thrive when the world overwhelms you Apr 26, 2022

It’s such a joke when anyone – especially a child is called "too sensitive." It’s a soul searing accusation.  Using “too sensitive” as a slur is pretty ironic given that it is our sensitivity that makes us the empathetic and magical people that we...

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What Being Authentic Really Means advanced personal growth work cptsd Apr 19, 2022

I used to think of authenticity as one of my highest values, but now I know I got it all wrong.  I thought I was being authentic and prided myself on it – maybe even felt a little superior about possessing the quality.  This weekend I had two separate moments of wisdom, magic and...

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A Tool to Explore Self-Sabotage addiction bitchescomplex consciouslyptsd ptsdconsciousliving recoveryadvanced Apr 12, 2022

I started reading a book about Jung and the first paragraph was a beautiful synchronicity to our previous discussions about how I don’t believe self-sabotage is a thing, so obviously, I had to share it with you.  It’s from Encounters with the Soul:  Active Imagination as...

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Self-Sabotage and The Psychological Immune System addiction advanced bitches complex ptsd conscious living consciously ptsd recovery Mar 23, 2022

A lot of buttons were pushed when I taught in the CPTSD class about willpower and motivation that self-sabotage is not a thing.  For me, having CPTSD and making no move toward a goal and calling it self-sabotage is like having the flu and calling being unable to get out of bed...

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Advanced Lessons for a Conscious Life addiction recovery advanced bitches complex ptsd conscious living consciously ptsd Feb 23, 2022

I’m missing my therapist after having one odd experience and one meh experience with two different therapists.  So, I sought the comfort of a book of my Dumbledore’s wisdom and I thought I would share a few lessons from the Head Witch herself.

*You’re working on keeping a...

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