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Forty-Six Years and We Still Haven't Conquered Imposter Syndrome

Jun 24, 2024

Hello, hello, hello…good to see you!

If you’re like me, you are working on feeling safer in your own skin.  One hack we created along the way to survive and to participate in our lives and some of our dreams is that we settled for having imposter syndrome.  Because society is fine with you having imposter syndrome and you can find a lot of peers who have it too, it seemed like something not worth exploring any deeper.

Unfortunately, you are an Advanced Bitch and settling is not part of what we do.  Also, don’t you want to start experiencing your dreams instead of holding them at arm’s length and letting “an imposter” take credit for them?  We can’t live fully and have imposter syndrome.  We can live adequately with it, but not fully.

We’ve been learning and learning and learning about imposter syndrome since Pauline Rose Clance came up with the phrase Imposter Phenomenon in 1978.  That’s 46 years.  Doesn’t that seem a little odd?  Except it doesn’t if you know anything about intellectualization. Never in the history of time has learning about imposter syndrome made it go away.  We get to feel so smart and informed as we rearrange the deck chairs on the Imposter Syndrome Titanic.

In my Irreverent Imposter Syndrome Guide classes, I deconstruct what imposter syndrome actually is and I dismantle the fuck out of it with you with paradoxical questions, audacious comparisons, fairy tale wisdom, and magical handouts.

The Irreverent Imposter Syndrome Guide: How to Finally Be Your Full F*cking Self is a trauma informed pre-recorded set of classes with a once per month, 1 hour long live coaching call.

This is an online class with a ones a month coaching call.  The first coaching call will be on July 12th at 3 PM CST and you can join us for a one-time fee of $97.  Click here to sign up. 

I’m so confident your imposter syndrome will decrease at least by 3 points, that if it doesn’t, I will give you your money back – no questions asked.


This is just something to ponder besides you and that might push your buttons... Who benefits from your imposter syndrome?



With so much love and fairy dust,




*Disclaimer: Although I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, The Irreverent Imposter Syndrome Guide is not psychotherapy nor is it intended to be. It is meant to be psychoeducational. The class information comes from research on Imposter Syndrome and my experience, strength and hope of how my imposter syndrome disappeared. Since the classes are trauma informed, you may find them triggering. If you do find them triggering, please stop taking in the information and to immediately seek the support and expertise of a professional psychotherapist. If the class is too triggering for you, I will give you your money back, no questions asked.

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