Begin to See Your Trauma Responses as Advantages
Feb 16, 2022Advanced Bitches Tenet #4 is “Advanced Bitches learn to wield their trauma responses like lightsabers.” This means that Advanced Personal Growth Work requires me to, on some level, understand and befriend my trauma responses. Then, instead of having them control me, I use them to get what I want and need.
It’s like the trauma responses live in your own personal enchanted fire station in your psyche. The sentient fire station (hola casita) is always, always, always at its post and on the lookout for any questionable fucker that would mess with your lil CPTSD Kid psyche. When it found a fire (a psychological or physical danger), it would send out one of four fire trucks to rescue you. Our pickle now is that as adults, if we aren’t able to protect ourselves, the fire trucks still take over whether you want them to or not (you don’t have fire trucks, the fire trucks have you).
Each fire truck is decorated with a fight, flight, freeze or fawn logo depending on the situation and expertise required and your ability to execute the particular trauma response in real time. For instance, my fight fire truck would have loved to take on a bully at school, but my fawn/freeze fire trucks knew that I could only execute one of them so, one of those was sent.
A lightsaber is “is an energy sword and the signature weapon Jedi who are guardians of order, who, through intuition, rigorous training, are able to wield a supernatural power (the natural power would be the trauma responses) that can cut, burn, and melt through most substances,” including hoodwinkery, fuckery, villainy, dysfunction and abuse.
So, what we can do is use the Force of the positive characteristics of any of our 4 trauma responses to save the day if the tools we have chosen to use have not enabled us to protect ourselves enough (if you’re a member I can teach you more about this on our call this Friday).
Magical Assignment:
- Head to Pete Walker’s book and look up the positive characteristics of your most used trauma responses on page 106 and begin a lifelong friendship and allyship with your amazing trauma responses.
- Draw the four logos of your fire trucks.
Reference: Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jedi
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