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A Tool to Explore Self-Sabotage

addiction bitchescomplex consciouslyptsd ptsdconsciousliving recoveryadvanced Apr 12, 2022

I started reading a book about Jung and the first paragraph was a beautiful synchronicity to our previous discussions about how I don’t believe self-sabotage is a thing, so obviously, I had to share it with you.  It’s from Encounters with the Soul:  Active Imagination as Developed by C.G. Jung by Barbara Hannah.

What we know about ourselves is not all that we are.  If we observe ourselves and what happens to us with any care, our lives teach us this lesson every day.  On the one hand, why do we just miss the train we are so particularly anxious to catch?  Why do we lose or break an object to which we are especially attached?  Why do we do and say many things which we regret afterwards?  Why do we wake up depressed for no apparent reason? And, on the other hand, why do sometimes we surprise ourselves by doing or saying something much better than we ever expected of ourselves, or wake up very cheerful for no cause we are aware?

Another way of saying “self-sabotage” is to say, “my unconscious is sabotaging my conscious efforts.”  If you just beat yourself up for self-sabotaging, nothing is gained.  But what if instead you put your monocle on and got real fucking curious about why your unconscious isn’t interested in your conscious plans?  There is wisdom there that if you knew it, might make all the difference when you try to accomplish your conscious goals in the future.

One way of using the tool of Active Imagination is writing someone/something and then, using your imagination, write yourself back from that person/thing.

Magical Assignment:

Think of the last time you did something that you might label as “self-sabotage.”  Write it a letter to “self-sabotage” (ie – Dear Self-Sabotage, or Dear Unconscious,) expressing all your feelings and frustrations about that particular time.  Then, have your unconscious write you back.

With love and fairy dust,

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