Fairy Dusted Blog

Sabaticalish addiction advanced bitches complex ptsd conscious living consciously ptsd recovery May 17, 2022

You may have noticed that I am not as active on social media as I used to be – especially on Instagram.  I know some of you worry about me being sick or falling into the depths of despair, so I felt it was important to let you to know what tf is up.  I didn’t want any of you...

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A Tool to Explore Self-Sabotage addiction bitchescomplex consciouslyptsd ptsdconsciousliving recoveryadvanced Apr 12, 2022

I started reading a book about Jung and the first paragraph was a beautiful synchronicity to our previous discussions about how I don’t believe self-sabotage is a thing, so obviously, I had to share it with you.  It’s from Encounters with the Soul:  Active Imagination as...

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Self-Sabotage and The Psychological Immune System addiction advanced bitches complex ptsd conscious living consciously ptsd recovery Mar 23, 2022

A lot of buttons were pushed when I taught in the CPTSD class about willpower and motivation that self-sabotage is not a thing.  For me, having CPTSD and making no move toward a goal and calling it self-sabotage is like having the flu and calling being unable to get out of bed...

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Putting Down the Cursed Treasure addiction codependentcomplex ptsd recoverycodependency Jan 26, 2022

(Trigger Warning – ED)

Advanced Bitchifesto No. 1:   Advanced Bitches go to any lengths to recover from addiction, codependency and dysfunctional patterns.

The reason the first thing we must do to become our true selves is we have to put down our substance.  This is absolutely...

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